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CLICK HERE For Interior Design Services: consult@boulevarddecor.com 

CLICK HERE For Décor Requirements: quote@boulevarddecor.com

“A man travels the world over to find what he needs and returns home to find it.”

George A. Moore

“distinctive individuality yet finely crafted”

“function specific targeted design where the project matters”

“proudly associated with the world’s leading designers”

“confidently skilled to compliment the décor and design studio”

From The Desk Of Our Founder

Midge Engelbrecht

CEO & Founder

The founder of Boulevard Collection Design Studio™ and Boulevard Decor™, Midge Engelbrecht, remembers his first introduction to design at the age of 7 years old. His dad brought home a small piece of black Stinkwood from which he then carved a small kayak. Other impressions that stayed with him from his childhood years were of roof trusses on new builds alongside the road they travelled – how the architectural lines formed shapes and patterns while the lines of roof trusses danced and played with one another when they would drive past and see different perspectives. A passion developed for form and function – the creation of new concepts where the boundaries of design are rewritten. He strongly believes in redefining the rule book of design and challenging own abilities. Years later he has successfully established a renowned label in the interior design and international project management genre in the drive to continuously elevate and maintain the vision of the companies.

Management inculcates in staff a focussed mindset of continuous self-improvement, and the fruits thereof are reaped by clients.

Not only did we build our reputation whilst maintaining that of our clients – our clients also unwittingly broadened our perspective to fully embrace the affluent household rationale which dominates the careful selection of opulent interior decor products.

Actively steering our ventures – in the words of our founder:

“This is what it should be — your personal and individual trademark – just the same as your own signature in a place we call home.”

Picasso used a canvas – we use space.

A taste of glitz and glamour is detected in the presence of an outspoken ambience of celebrating a lifestyle – our trademark! Innovative design principles transcending conventional boundaries. Stretch the limits of beauty and versatility and live your own signature. Interior with a targeted and functional design approach – stylish ergonomics is what we do. A different kind of design. A different kind of trademark – tested and publicly approved.

Some Of Our Skills

Client Recommendation Level 0
Successful Brief Interpretations 0
Inclusion of Custom Designed Products 0
Recurring Project Clients 0


boul·e·vard; ˈbuːlvɑː -vɑːd

A broad city street or promenade, usually important, well paved, tree-lined and landscaped with grass or flowers down its center or along its sides.

The earliest boulevards originally followed the city walls (the word originally meant “bulwark”) and were built in the ancient Middle East, especially at Antioch. In Paris, straight and geometrically precise boulevards were incorporated into design principles taught at the École des Beaux-Arts, and they form a prominent feature of the city. Similar boulevards are found in other cities such as Washington, D.C. Formal curving boulevards are a feature of such cities as Vienna and Prague.

The word “boulevard,” which originally indicated a bulwark or rampart, and was afterwards applied to a public walk or road on the site of a demolished fortification, is now employed in the same sense as public drive. So, a boulevard is set apart for purposes of ornament, exercise, and amusement.

It is not technically a street, avenue, or highway, though a carriage-way over it is a chief feature.

The owners of Boulevard Collection Design Studio™ and Boulevard Décor™ have been involved with interior design for three decades. Throughout the years, the approach in the way our companies have evolved had much to do with studying and learning to understand what design and décor detail would prove to be important to our typical client base. Our market segment we have chosen to pursue many years ago is described as well-traveled and financially mature homeowners who sustain a lifestyle where the value in employing professional experts to assist in various disciplines of their project, is manifested in the grand final event over months – at completion time.


Current Décor Items on display


Estimated Number of Designs


Estimated Kilometers Travelled


Estimated Design Hours to date

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“Helpful content ranging from products, latest trends and inspiring ideas, to precautions and care instructions.”
“You have a really great idea – what inspires you?”

a working formula …
our label fits every room …

a company with an orderly transition and a proven track record

space | theme | concept | plan innovate | the project

Directors of a Symphony - Efficiency. Visibility. Control.


Contact us

“The Boulevard label has earned its complexion in function specific, targeted design – since 1996.
There is a reason why we take pride in our work – quality is an investment with the highest returns”

Contact us here: quote@boulevarddecor.com
+27 (0) 83 627 1232

Contact us here: consult@boulevarddecor.com
083 627 1232

Contact us here: support@boulevarddecor.com
+27 (0) 83 627 1232

Committed to completing high
quality projects and innovative design solutions.

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