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CLICK HERE For Interior Design Services: consult@boulevarddecor.com 

CLICK HERE For Décor Requirements: quote@boulevarddecor.com

Are you interested in creating spaces that positively affect how you live, work and play? The function of an Interior Designer is exactly that! Interior design is a multifaceted discipline that deals with the art and construction of indoor environments. From concept to project management and execution, Interior Designers are creative problem solvers. Interior Designers think in three dimensions and are responsible for creating spaces and places that are stimulating, functional, user-centered and sustainable and at the same time, makes a statement!

We all have read about the current extinction of bees by now. The important role they play in our daily lives. It’s always the smallest things that we take for granted or a lack of knowledge overlooked. Most of the time, when we realise, it’s too late, but with our bee population we still have a chance.

Since the dawn of the humanity, people tried to create light to chase away the dark. In that endeavour, we have certainly come a long way. Evidences of the first lamps used by early humans go back to 70.000BC. They were, however, of simple structure - just a shell or a mere hollow rock, which held pieces of moss soaked in animal fat that would burn with fire.

There is something about fire that just brings upon a sense of comfort. Almost as if it’s something imbedded in our genes. We always seem to be attracted to it. When it comes to our homes and having a perfectly suited fireplace, there are many designs one could choose from that may suit our personality and complement our home. However, what to consider at the end of the day is the type of fireplace you would need.

Boulevard Décor’s wide range of cinema seating evolved over the years, resulting in being able to offer uniquely different styles to select from. We are exceptionally lucky to be able to offer so many high-end brands, manufactured both internationally and locally. Additionally, we also have the privilege of being appointed South African agents for an opulent culture of cinema seating - the ultimate in luxurious and detailed home cinema seating experience.

You may hear of various names and even phrases used in your interaction with Boulevard Decor™. One such name is the brand GAGGENAU. Gaggenau is a manufacturer of high-quality home appliances and acknowledged as an innovation leader in design and technology “Made in Germany”.

We have reached a time where a tile is no longer just a tile. In this article we will be discussing various different types of tiles and what you should be aware of. Porcelain Tiles: Porcelain tiles have become extremely popular with regards to home interiors, and it is no wonder why they are durable, hard-wearing and offer a beautifully sleek and upmarket aesthetic.

Technology has extremely changed the bedding and linen industry – with focus aimed at durability, comfort, health, quality of sleep and posture support - but to name a few. This includes areas such as the spring system, fillers used in mattresses, fabric for mattress coverings, etc. and in our modern day we now even have access to a sleep studio where people are invited to sleep on a variety of mattresses whilst pressure points are been tested with advanced computerised software.

If how we spend our days is how we spend our lives, then if we spend our days anxious, we'll spend our lives anxious, too. And yet, stress is a defining feature of contemporary life - this past year, 55% of Americans reported experiencing "a lot of stress" on a daily basis.

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