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CLICK HERE For Interior Design Services: consult@boulevarddecor.com 

CLICK HERE For Décor Requirements: quote@boulevarddecor.com



“complete service offering – our label fits every room”

Boulevard Collection International™  is dedicated to designing inspired unique portfolios for its clients. While we have the experience and expertise to work directly with residential and corporate clients, we also liaise in conjunction with designers and architects as part of a larger team. We enjoy completing our project spaces with beautiful and functional value adding décor and furniture.

Our longstanding relationships with leading suppliers of various value adding products enable us to bring a design vision to the portfolio which is backed by the best quality products, creating stylish environments from a lifestyle or functional perspective.

We assess our client’s needs and procure products fit for enthusiasts if we cannot design or manufacture it ourselves.  Each project is custom-designed to the client’s functional living and entertainment needs, begging for value adding service and product provision offerings. Detailed interviews highlight the client’s lifestyle and aesthetic vision which will drive the project while no detail goes unnoticed.

Employing Boulevard Collection International™ to also take care of value added décor and furniture products results in exceptionally ergonomically organized yet visually appealing spaces for the client to function, enjoy and entertain in.

“innovative design leaving nothing unfinished”

turn-key (turn’ke’): Designed, procured, supplied and installed, in a condition ready for immediate use, occupation or operation: a turn-key custom lighting package. A turn-key interior project. A turn-key cabinet portfolio.

Boulevard Collection International™ offers a premier turn-key project management service to include custom provisions and products – delivered and installed for all the segments of our portfolio offering, and more. Borne from the nature of both our residential and corporate projects, these provisions packages may include designing, creating, manufacturing or sourcing of a variety elements e.g. seating, specialized lighting, specialist audio & video systems, appliances, brassware, catering equipment, objects de art and more.

We ship, receive, inspect, manage and install these provisions hassle-free to our clients, enabling them to concentrate on their normal routines.

– internationally.

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